Abbey Camera Club Committee Members – Areas of Responsibility
To arrange dates and venues for committee meetings on a regular bimonthly basis.
In conjunction with the secretary, prepare an agenda for committee meetings.
To chair committee meetings.
To develop positive links with other clubs, seeking out areas of mutual benefit.
To prepare bi-monthly newsletter containing club news and information about competitions.
To welcome members to club evenings and to introduce guest speakers.
To coordinate club exhibitions.
To arrange and judge the annual Chair’s challenge print competition.
To be one of the signatories to the club’s bank account.
Vice Chair
To deputise for the Chair on occasions at the club or meetings when the chair is unable attend.
To lead on seeking potential funding opportunities for the club in conjunction with other office bearers and members when required.
To develop links with exhibition spaces and co-ordinate club exhibitions with a lead on developing publicity for these events.
To organise the awards evening at the end of the season.
To set up a sub group of members who will assist at events in regard to various tasks and be responsible for the catering at club nights.
In conjunction with the chair, prepare an agenda for committee meetings. (This is then passed to the “webmaster” for electronic distribution to members)
To take minutes of committee meetings.
To act as point of non-electronic contact between Abbey Camera Club and other organisations/individuals.
To be one of the signatories of the clubs bank account.
To keep Abbey Camera Club website updated on a regular basis.
To coordinate electronic communication between Abbey Camera Club and other organisations/individuals.
To coordinate electronic communication between Abbey Camera Club members.
To coordinate the club’s social media outlets.
To collect annual subscriptions
To administer the “Bonus Ball” scheme for raising extra income.
To be one of the signatories of the club’s bank account.
Competitions Coordinator
To coordinate judging for the internal club competitions.
To collect competition entries from members.
Ensure competition entries comply with club rules.
Keep note of results and pass to webmaster for website update.
To be aware of who has trophies and to have them engraved when required.
To compile a list of the most successful competition entries for potential selection for interclub competitions.
To decide on the themes for particular monthly competitions.
Distinctions Link
This should be a member who is working towards a (CPAGB or further) who can report back to the Committee re progress of participants. They should have an opportunity to also to present to the Club as a whole on their experiences. (Currently Vacant)
Abbey Camera Club 2024